Bio Reprocessing is basically recycling by using biological composting and digestion processes of waste materials like plant material, food scraps, and paper products, as they are organic in nature.

Recycling organic wastes to land would benefit soil quality, return the nutrients removed from the soil in crop off-take, and help to establish a more sustainable use of soil and fertilisers.

The resulting organic material that is obtained is recycled as mulch or compost for the purpose of agriculture or landscaping. The excess gaseous substance such as methane, which is obtained from the process is captured and used for the production of electricity and heat.

The major aim of biological processing is focussed on controlling and enhancing the natural process of decomposition of the organic matter.

Nanotera offers a revolutionary technique using natural power of active oxygen to decompose organic waste substances into organic powder. Based on oxygen radicals, this unique technology of active oxygen allows local and decentralised scale treatment with extremely low energy consumption.


Biological reprocessing is a method of recycling and reduction of waste and it is an important method of waste management.
Compost has numerous advantages over synthetic fertilisers such as, it contains macro and micronutrients, releases nutrients very slowly (over several months), brings PH level to optimum and helps to bind clusters of soil particles.
Reduction of pollution due to nitrogen stripping
Sustainable management of organic waste


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Presenting our SOIL REMEDIATION and OIL DRILLING WASTE eco-friendly solutions for a cleaner and safer environment.